Creating a Science Classroom Library

I love books. My husband may say that I have a problem. I believe that you can never have too many books. As space in my house is becoming a bit of an issue, many of my books have found their way to my science classroom. And my students love them! Sharing my love of books with them is a great way to connect and bring some fun into the classroom. Have you thought about creating a Science Classroom Library? Here are some ideas to get you started.

Picture books

Ever since my daughter was a baby, I’ve been obsessed with beautiful picture books. Add a science element to it and I’m all in! My favorite series is The Questioneers by Andrea Beaty. Even though I teach High School, my students still read these. Sometimes they need a bit of a brain break and read something just for fun. I’ve recently purchased the chapter books and can’t wait to add them to my science library.

Another of my favorite series is the Welcome to the Museum series. These books are gorgeous!! The stunning artwork makes these the perfect books to page through when students are done early with work.

Novels, Biographies & Short Stories

There are so many great science novels and biographies out there. I allow my students to borrow these if they wish.

Here are some of our favorites:

Scientific Content

I also like to have some encyclopedia-type books in my class. Students love random facts and I’ve found The Biology Book, The Chemistry Book and The Science Book by DK to be perfect for High School students.

Starting your Library

Creating your science classroom library does not have to be expensive. Keep a look out for deals at your favorite book store or Amazon. Ask parents to donate books or add them to your birthday wish list. Thrift stores are a gold mine for amazing books. Raid your children’s bookshelves (my daughter is keeping track of what I’m taking…).

Happy reading!

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